The Easiest Offshore Planer Fishing Setup for Wahoo 

Are you looking forward to having a successful catch the next time you are in the waters fishing? If yes, then you are at the right place. 

The Easiest Offshore Planer Fishing Setup for Wahoo  1

How do you offshore planer fish for Wahoo?

Offshore planer fishing for Wahoo involves a trolling lure, planer board, and heavy tackle. The planer board is attached to the main fishing line, which is then deployed into the water. The lure is trolled at a high speed and, when a Wahoo takes the lure, the planer board dives underwater, pulling the fishing line with it.

This technique for offshore planer wahoo fishing allows anglers to cover a larger area of water and target Wahoo that are swimming deeper in the water column.

Based on my experience in offshore fishing using a planer, the use of planers in fishing makes it more interesting and faster. You also increase your chances of getting the species you want without making mistakes. 

Dive in for more information on the easiest offshore planer fishing setup for wahoo and how to go about it.

In this article, I shall guide you on how to comfortably use a planer in fishing. Additionally, I shall guide you on catching the wahoo fish, which is one of the fish species that swim deeper in the sea when the temperature rises.

What is Planer Fishing?

Planer fishing is simply the use of a planer to catch fish. 

A planer is a board designed to make fishing easier and help reach fish in places where you would not reach them if you use traditional fishing methods. The planer is released behind the boat and has a bait attached to it while you troll at high speeds.

You can also let out several bait lines when using a planer, increasing your chances of catching the fish. The planer allows you to set the maximum depth you expect the bait to take, up to 150 feet. 

Setting the distance you intend the bait to cover helps avoid catching the wrong species or having the bait caught in weeds or the bottom of the sea. 

You set the ideal length by either increasing or decreasing the length between the planer board and the boat. For example, if you intend to catch a wahoo when the temperature is high, let the planer deep into the sea since this is the most likely place to catch these spices. 

The planer fishing bridle makes it easier to go deep and lure the fish into the bait before it senses the vibrating sounds of the boat and swims away.

The planer is shaped in a way that it moves to the side when released in the water. It will also either veer to port or to starboard based on whether it is a starboard planer or a port planer board. 

Although the use of planer fishing brindle is an effective method of fishing, it is still an underutilized method of fishing. Introducing this method of fishing will make fishing more enjoyable and help you catch some of the best species within a short time.

The Easiest Offshore Planer Fishing Setup for Wahoo  2

How to Use Planers in Fishing?

  1. Always keep the fishing rod tip high in the rod holders; this helps the line run straight without dragging in the water.
  2. Use adjustable flags on the board. These flags help ensure that any action from inside reflects on the flag.
  3. When making the fishing setup, always start by setting the planer boards and then go to the boat roads.
  4. Waves should not stop you from using the planer boards. They are strong enough to withstand harsh waves and catch fish.

How to Rig Fishing Planers?

Rigging a fishing planer inline simply means positioning the planer to get it ready for fishing. Ensuring that you have a complete planer fishing rig before you get to sea is necessary for you to have an easy time when fishing. The steps to follow for you to ensure that you are doing this right are

  1. Slow the boat to the lowest speed possible
  2. Secure the loop at the cord at the end of the planer line
  3. Lower the planer into the water and ensure that the cord is clear for your feet
  4. After the planer gets in position, you can increase the offshore fishing boat speed, increasing your chances of catching the fish.

How Do You Set Hooks On Planers?

Setting the hook in the wrong way could make you lose a fish as it struggles to swim away. Therefore, get a type of hook that can hold even a large game fish regardless of its struggle to unhook.

Easiest Offshore Planer Fishing Setup for Wahoo

One of the most significant advantages of planer fishing for tuna is that it helps reach fish even in the deep seas. 

They are designed to use water pressure to drive the baits deeper into the water. Additionally, they have a sliding ring that helps angle the planer plate like a plug. After the planer plate gets a bite, it ‘trips’ and rises to the surface.

At the end of the planer, there is a lender of about 50 feet. This lender is usually attached using snap swivels, and you place the fish bait at the end of the lender. 

When looking for fish such as wahoo, which is found in deep seas, we mainly go for bait such as drone spoons. These baits are a good lure for fish and also have an excellent grip on the lender.

Staggering Baits Using Planer Fishing

Although fishing planers may look the same, different planers are numbered differently. These numbers on the planers show the weight; the higher the number, the more the weight of the planer. 

This is because the heavier planer can sink deeper than the lighter ones, and planers of the same weight sink at equal levels. Generally, you can release more than one planer in the water when doing planer fishing. However, these planers need to be of different weights. 

Letting out planers of similar weights is wrong since they will sink at parallel distances and could end up straggled, which would bring your fishing to an early end. 

Therefore, use planers of different weights, for instance, one of size eight and the other of size three. 

Additionally, when you throw the planers into the water, let this be at different distances and have the lighter planer some feet further from the heavier ones. This way, you will be fishing using two baits but not in the same area.

Ensure that you monitor each of the planers that you are fishing with to notice as soon as there is a catch. 

In case you find it hard to coordinate or concentrate on more than one planer, then use one planer at a time. Otherwise, you might fail to notice when the planer catches a bite, and you may end up losing it.  

What Happens After You Have a Bite?

The Easiest Offshore Planer Fishing Setup for Wahoo  3

You will notice if there is a bite on your bait, and it is now time to use the leader. 

Typically, you can simply wind the planer up the rod tip. You then back off the drag and hand line the fish into the boat. When doing this, always ensure that the boat is moving forward. 

If your hook and planer were set correctly, the fish caught lands safely in the boat. If you were lucky to catch a huge fish, go for it when it gets to the transom so that you do not lose it.

Should You Use a Detachable Planer?

When you are planer fishing, it is advisable to go for a detachable planer. 

With this kind of a planer, you can reel the leader and the fish to the top and do not have to hand line the fish to the boat. This will be a great advantage if you catch a wahoo since it could be too heavy for you to hand line it. 

You minimize the possibility of either pulling too hard and breaking the hook or the leader as the fish struggles to unhook. Hand pulling also risks having a physical injury caused by the fish as it tries to escape. 

With a detachable planer, you increase the chances of having the fish land in the boat without any injuries or disappointments in the process.

Best Lures to Use with Planer Fishing

Choosing the right lure is vital, especially when you need to catch a species such as a wahoo. In the market, there are many artificial fish lures for fishing wahoo. For you to get the right choice, first look for a lure that camouflages in water. 

These colors are such as black, red, or purple. However, do not give up fishing if you have bait of other colors such as white since they might also work effectively. 

Nevertheless, when choosing between baits of different colors, always go for the former since they are more likely to give better results.

Additionally, ensure that the lure is attached to ballyhoo and rigged on piano wire. This wire is necessary when catching toothy fish like wahoo because they cannot cut through them. 

It is also vital to ensure that the lure you use is not too heavy for the planer. When the lure is too heavy, it may catch a fish, and you fail to realize it to pull it up.

Luckily, most of the artificial lures you will find in the market are of the right weight. Therefore, if you decide to make your lures, ensure they are the same size as those you buy.

Main Planer Fishing Pointers

Some of the most important factors to remember about planer fishing for you to have an easier and more successful time in the sea are:

  • If you are using more than one fishing line and a planer, always remember to go for planers of different sizes. The higher the size of the planer, the deeper it goes. For example, a number four planer will go for 25-30 feet deep, and a number three planer goes 15-20 feet down.
  • Always ensure that the planers remain spaced so that they do not collide
  • When getting a shock lender, ensure that it is at least 60 feet and weighs between 80 and 125 pounds. Otherwise, if the lender is too short, it may scare away the fish. Additionally, ensure that the lender is set at an approximate distance where it is not too far away, and you do not hand-line too much of it.
  • always consolidate all the planer fishing tackle you need before you set to the sea. 
  • There are many types of lures that you can use in planer fishing. However, it is always advisable to go for lures with colors that camouflage in water to make it easier to lure the fish into the hook.
  • When the planer is ready for use, toss the leader and lure into the water, and there will be tension on the planer. Ensure that the line enters the water at an angle of between 45-degrees and 90-degrees to help ensure that the planer stays in the water.
  • After there is a fish on the bait, the rod bounces up and down. When bringing in the fish by hand, hold the planer firmly to avoid losing the fish in case it makes a sudden turn or as it strives to escape.


Planers  have made fishing more effortless and more successful, which is why it is highly advancing in popularity. 

It is also a recommendable method when looking for a fish species like wahoo that sinks deep, mainly due to high temperature. Learn more about planer fishing and how to effectively handle offshore planer fishing for wahoo.